Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sorry for the long gaps between posts, now that the school year has started back up, I have been crazy busy.  Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to update more, as I will be traveling up to the mountains and back on a mini adventure.  Until then, however, I hope you enjoy the few image I have taken over the last few weeks. 

Lately I've been working on the concept of perspective. It is easy enough to just snap pictures and call it a day, it is a whole other thing to make the conscious decision to explore different perspectives, and view points.  Photography has the power to be quite the art form, and it is that thought process that has had me shifting the way I look at taking pictures. Do I still point the camera and just snap pictures, sure do, but I have been at least trying to shake up some things... I hope you enjoy the shift. 

And by far my favorite "new perspective" picture is the one that follows.  It is a picture of an Orb Spider hanging on to it's web from the side.  Plus it has been raining, so the water droplets look amazing! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Who I am with you, is who I really want to be" - Chris Young

Recently, I reconnected with a friend from high school. Talking to him the last two weeks has been really nice.  It has been a long time since I have come across someone who inspires my creativity, the way that he has been lately, it has been such a nice change of pace.  I don't think people ever really realize how important it is to know people who inspire you to be better at what you do, who continuously push you to out do your self.  I find myself finally getting back to a point where all I want to do is pick up my camera and spend hours taking pictures.. I've missed that feeling.  I feel like I've been missing a lot of things lately, and over the last two weeks, I started realizing that that doesn't have to be the case.  I spend so much time working, that I wasn't making time for myself, or the other people who matter to me, or really even time for what I want, and I feel myself finally letting go of all of that, and simply enjoying the little things again.  That feeling has started making me really miss the mountains... there is always something magical about them, and I really can't wait to find an excuse to return... Enjoy these pictures from the last time I made my way up to the Blue Ridge Mountains.. and remember it's ok to always make time for the things that bring you true happiness and delight.. :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

This post is a little different then my typical photography posts, simply because it doesn't actually have anything to do with photography!! Since photography is considered an art, and this post is artistic in themed... it works.

Anyone who frequents Pinterest the way that I do, knows that it is certainly a gold mind for inspiration. A month or so, I came across this pin about creating "posters" using Staples' Copy and Print center. The best part, each print (11x17) is only 98 cents each, and if you pick up IN STORE, you don't pay for shipping and handling, and you can get ANYTHING you wanted printed in this poster form.  We have a Staples about 25 minutes away and figured why not post the tutorial for a later date.  A few weeks ago, I noticed a teacher friend of mine posting pictures on Facebook of art/quotes that she had been creating for her classroom next year, and decide to share with her my Staples related pin, I didn't know how things would work out (and told her so) but offered up the tip none-the-less.  Two days ago, to my surprise, she tagged me in a post on facebook including pictures of a series of quotes/pictures she had gotten printed at Staples, and boy were they fantastic.  Her creativity inspired me to get a move on (I had been working on things here and there all summer) and create some great things to put up in my classroom this year.  I have included pictures of the 10 quotes I got printed (only costing me $10), and the link to the Staples tutorial for anyone interested.

For the first 9, I found Vera Bradley Desktops (they put out one desktop for every new pattern) and used those as the backgrounds (this can also be achieved by googling backgrounds and finding ones you like).  As a reminder for people who do not consider themselves THAT tech savy... the larger the image to begin with the better the quality.  I used an application on my iPad called Over to add the text, but it could easily be done in powerpoint.

For the last one, I used one of my personal images I had taken while in a shanty-town in Belize.

Let me know if you have any questions, or need any assistance please feel free to comment here, or if you are friends with me on Facebook, inquire there. :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I met a new friend today.. although my dog would argue that he is more of a foe.  This adventurous mockingbird was really tormenting my dog.  Flying and landing in just the right places where my dog could see him, but couldn't quite reach him.  He even let me get fairly close to snap a few pictures of him.  Made me wonder if mockingbirds remember faces, and this new friend was really my old friend the baby mockingbird.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

While sitting on a stone bench in front of the Museum today, I struck up a conversation with a fellow photography enthusiast.  Over the last year I've had many conversations with this particular fellow, he has taught me much about using my Nikon and even more about the simplicity that comes with slowing down and seeing the little details of life.  Today our topic shifted from focusing the camera, to catching action shots, to close up photography.  Throughout our conversation, I felt myself getting more and more excited about taking pictures, which of course made me crack a "joke" about how many pictures I take, laughing about how at the zoo alone I took 200 or more photos in one day, and how of those, I really only intend to show people 15-30.  That is when he said it... "are those 15-30 pictures worth it? Are they photographs to be proud of? To which of course I said "yes, I am incredibly proud of them"  and thats when I realized what he was getting at.  So it took me 200 pictures, but in those 200 pictures, I got real, action packed shots, that I love.  And that my friends is the magic of digital photography... I have the ability to take thousands of photos (10,000 to be exact with my current memory card), so there is no limit to the number of pictures I can take, no limit to how creative I can be with my shots, and no limit to my potential as a photographer.  Here are a few photos from my travels around the museum today. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I enjoyed a very lovely stroll around the grounds of the Virginia Living Museum today, it had been a while since I was able to walk around the museum as a guest.  I walked around the museum with a friend and her young daughter,  it was a nice change to slow down and see the details we so often overlook in busy everyday life.  Here are a few of the images I took from this morning. Enjoy. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein

Last Tuesday, I went on an adventure to the Zoo with a friend.  I hadn't been to the Norfolk Zoo in years, and was looking forward to the trip.  In preparation for my trip, I spent an hour or so, Monday night, cruising the internet looking for tips and tricks about shooting Zoo photography.  Now I know some of you are probably wondering why on earth would I spend any time at all looking for such a thing, I mean photography isn't that hard, you point the camera and click the button that takes the picture.  Although you are correct in that sense, over the past year or so, I've learned that in order to take really magnificent pictures (the ones we all aspire to take) that maybe a little research is necessary.  My DSLR camera is still new to me, although I have owned it for about a year now, I'm still figuring out how to use it to best suit me.  For that reason, I always put in time to research anytime I will be in an environment I am not used to shooting in.  For example, last December, I went to the Luray Caverns  while on vacation.  I knew that if I wanted any usable images from the caverns I would have to research how best to take pictures in such an environment, or I would end up spending the first half of my trip trying to determine which settings my camera should be on (here are a few images from that adventure).

In my research about Zoo photography, it was simple, try to take pictures where the animals look like they are in their natural habitat, move around and try to avoid fences.  Simple enough right... I learned that animals that are more "dangerous" to the general public are harder to shoot then those that are more docile, because predatory animals need bigger fences or more substantial fences.  I also learned that Zoo animals live an "easier" life then wild animals, which means to capture really unique pictures, I would have to be patient and willing to stand around for a little while.  Either way, I think I did pretty good, and am rather proud of the images I managed.  Not to mention, who doesn't love a day trip to the zoo!! Enjoy!

Baby Siamang (primate)
Fennec Fox
Malayan Tiger
Slender-Tailed Meerkat
Baby Giraffe
Male & Female Ostrich
African Elephant
Grant's Zebra
Squirrel Monkey

Monday, July 8, 2013

"Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be" - Sonia Ricotti

Today's post is all about being in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time.  Over the last week or so I have been doing some "research" on how to better use my Nikon D5100.  While I was sitting out in the backyard playing with buttons and nobs, this lovely butterfly decided to grace me with his presence.  I have found that butterfly/insect photography requires a LOT of patience and being in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time.  We all have those moments when we see something that would be the PERFECT picture, but we don't have our cameras, or maybe you have the wrong lens on.. Maybe you were surfing the internet and came across other people's photographs and wonder why you can't take pictures like that.... in those moments its ok to feel frustrated, but it is never ok to think you are a bad photographer.  Taking amazing pictures comes with practice and more importantly good nature/animal photography comes with LOTS of patience and being willing to put in the time to wait for that perfect moment to happen for you... being in the right place at the right time.