Sunday, August 4, 2013

This post is a little different then my typical photography posts, simply because it doesn't actually have anything to do with photography!! Since photography is considered an art, and this post is artistic in themed... it works.

Anyone who frequents Pinterest the way that I do, knows that it is certainly a gold mind for inspiration. A month or so, I came across this pin about creating "posters" using Staples' Copy and Print center. The best part, each print (11x17) is only 98 cents each, and if you pick up IN STORE, you don't pay for shipping and handling, and you can get ANYTHING you wanted printed in this poster form.  We have a Staples about 25 minutes away and figured why not post the tutorial for a later date.  A few weeks ago, I noticed a teacher friend of mine posting pictures on Facebook of art/quotes that she had been creating for her classroom next year, and decide to share with her my Staples related pin, I didn't know how things would work out (and told her so) but offered up the tip none-the-less.  Two days ago, to my surprise, she tagged me in a post on facebook including pictures of a series of quotes/pictures she had gotten printed at Staples, and boy were they fantastic.  Her creativity inspired me to get a move on (I had been working on things here and there all summer) and create some great things to put up in my classroom this year.  I have included pictures of the 10 quotes I got printed (only costing me $10), and the link to the Staples tutorial for anyone interested.

For the first 9, I found Vera Bradley Desktops (they put out one desktop for every new pattern) and used those as the backgrounds (this can also be achieved by googling backgrounds and finding ones you like).  As a reminder for people who do not consider themselves THAT tech savy... the larger the image to begin with the better the quality.  I used an application on my iPad called Over to add the text, but it could easily be done in powerpoint.

For the last one, I used one of my personal images I had taken while in a shanty-town in Belize.

Let me know if you have any questions, or need any assistance please feel free to comment here, or if you are friends with me on Facebook, inquire there. :)

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